Foreign Language/English 영어

[비즈니스 영어회화 100일의 기적] Day 01 - Day 05

AubreyJeong 2020. 7. 8. 09:39

[ Day 01 ]


A : What have you been up to these days?

B : Not much. Everyone is just busy with this quarter's audit.



* 별일 없을 때

  I'm doing pretty good/very well, thanks.

* 피곤할 때

  Not bad, but I'm feeling a little tired today. 



[ Day 02 ]


How are you? = 어디 아프진 않니? 너 괜찮니?

How's it going? = 잘 돼가요? 별일 없으세요? 

  = How's everything (going)? (친밀한 어감) 

  = How are you doing today? 

  = How are things going?


A : Good morning, Kyle. May I come in?

B : Of course. How's it going?

A : Can't complain. 그럭저럭이요. 



[ Day 03 ]


Nice to meet you : 이제 막 만났으니 '앞으로의' 반가움을 표현

Nice meeting you : 헤어질 때 '만났어서(과거)' 반가웠다고 표현


(업계 포럼에서 처음 만난 타사 실무진에게 인사할 때)

A : Hello, I am Youngjing from Daehan Investment.

B : I'm Walter. It's nice to meet you. 

A : Nice to meet you, too. Is this your first time here?


(이야기를 마치고 헤어질 때)

A : Well, Walter, it was very nice meeting you.

B : Sure, *you too. Let's keep in touch.

 * You too = It was very nice meeting you too. 



[ Day 04 ]


저는 회사원이에요 : I am an employee at [회사이름]. 

저는 ~ 회사에 다녀요 : I work for [회사이름]


A : So, what do you do for a living?

B : I work for a company (= I am an employee at Sansung.)

A : I see. Can I ask you what you do?

B : I'm a marketing manager at Samsung.


* office worker : 사무직

* worker/laborer : 육체 노동자/ 임금 노동자

* businessman : 사업가



[ Day 05 ] 


What's your name? 은 건방지게 들릴 수 있다. 

-> Can I have your name? / May I have your name, please? 가 적절하다.

(질문을 할 때 you 보다 I를 강조해서 묻는게 훨씬 공손한 이미지를 준다)


A : By the way, I'm Youngjin. Can I have your name?

B : I'm sorry. I'm Walter, Walter White. Here's my business card.


A : Welcome to the dinner reception. May I have your name, please?

B :  Yes, of course. It's Perter Quinn from Grobal Capital Partners.